
  • Cyber Competition Pits Hackers Against Computer Networks at Hopkins APL/CyberWatch Competition

    For Immediate Release -September 7, 2010

    Computer network hackers will battle network defenders at the 2011 CyberWatch Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (CCDC) March 10-12, 2011, at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory’s Kossiakoff Center. The event, sponsored by APL and CyberWatch, is designed to increase the quantity and quality of the information assurance workforce by engaging students in the emerging field of cyber assurance.

    For the sixth consecutive year, college student teams from the Mid-Atlantic region will defend computer networks against hacker teams using skills increasingly recognized as vital to the national interests and an important element in the preparation of the next generation of cyber warriors. Said Dr. Bob Spear, CyberWatch Director, ”APL is the ideal partner for CyberWatch, because of its strong expertise in cyber security, its mission to protect national security and its many programs that encourage students to study science, technology, engineering and math.” “The CCDC has been a strong competition platform for the last five years, and we believe that the APL partnership will allow us to broaden our reach into the government and industry space and present the future cyber warriors in an effective and realistic manner”, added Casey O’Brien, Mid-Atlantic CCDC Competition Director.

    Jay Turner from APL said, “This is a wonderful opportunity to combine our strong profile in cyber security with CCDC’s efforts to bolster the pipeline of students who will someday be working in this important field.”

    The winning team will be invited to participate in the National CCDC event to be held this year in San Antonio, TX in April 2011.

    The Mid-Atlantic CCDC is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and several industry groups and organizations involved in cyber security education and services.

    The Applied Physics Laboratory, a division of The Johns Hopkins University, meets critical national challenges through the innovative application of science and technology.

    For videos and programs from prior Mid-Atlantic CCDCs, see the Mid-Atlantic CCDC site. For more information please contact CyberWatch and CCDC:

    • Mid-Atlantic CCDC Competition Director: Casey W. O’Brien, cobrien [at] ccbcmd [dot] edu
    • CyberWatch Marketing Director: Dr. Costis Toregas, toregas1 [at] gwu [dot] edu
    • JHU APL Information Operations Group Supervisor: Jay Turner, jay.turner [at] jhuapl [dot] edu
