The Red Teams: Hackers

Red Team: a military term that refers to a team of experts who focus on penetration testing, assessment, and the design of secure systems. The name comes from the game “Capture the Flag,” in which a Blue Team tries to guard the flag – but in this case, the flag is sensitive data or a sensitive computer system.

The Red Team is responsible for conducting offensive operations against the defending teams. Members of the Red Team are traditionally professional penetration testers or students of offensive network warfare. Red Team members can work individually or in small teams. In some cases, teams are formed dynamically as individual players band together to collectively attack a target. Red Team players are scored on their ability to compromise systems and gain execute privileges, corrupt or capture flags, and complete tasks on time. As in the real world, the value of the Red Team is twofold: first, is their ability to successfully attack and exploit the defenders’ systems and second, is their ability to debrief and educate the defending teams on the how’s and why’s of their attacks.

“… if you can break in to a system that someone is actively sitting in front of, looking for you to break in to it, then your skills improve and the bar is a little higher…”

, Red Team Coordinator

Benefits of Volunteering as a Red Teamer

  • Improve penetration testing techniques and skills – risk free!
  • Meet potential candidates for internships and full-time employment
  • Power network with our sponsors and supporters
  • Work with other Red Team members
  • Strengthen management skills

If interested in participating on the Red Team, please contact us.

Hosted By

  • Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab (JHU APL)
  • CyberWatch Center
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Prince George's Community College (PGCC)