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The Blue Teams: Students

Test Your Cyber Security Skills

Defending a network from attackers is one of the most critical skills needed in IT today. If you’re still in school, you can’t miss an opportunity to improve your cyber security skills by defending real networks from real hackers. The CCDC challenges you and your team to consider the legal, ethical, forensic, technical, and business aspects of both defending and maintaining the integrity of business systems, in real-time.

The CCDC is also a great way to add an active dimension to your resume by:

  • Attracting attention to your qualifications and experiences
  • Networking with representatives from leading corporations and federal agencies
  • Developing hands-on experiences hardening network assets against live, constant threats
  • Attending featured keynotes by industry leaders

So get your game face on because after the competition there is no doubt your information security skills will be way beyond the average IT specialist.

Get Involved

We are always looking for self-motivated individuals interested in learning more about cyber security. Whether you are interested in competing, volunteering, or visiting, contact us today and learn how to get involved.

Job Opportunities

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Apply for internships and jobs through CyberWatch.